If the temperature limit is exceeded, you will be notified immediately. Prevent spoilage of raw materials or even fires!
Scenario 1:
Farmhouse with internet connection
You have your own Internet connection and you are able to connect the supplied IoT gateway to your local computer network using an Ethernet cable.
You connect the repeaters, which temporarily store the measured values from the sensors, to the electricity supply.
Place the battery sensors within range of the repeaters or the IoT gateway.
Place temperature sensors into the monitored objects (hay, straw, grain), in your utility buildings within the wireless range of the IoT gateway or other supplied wireless infrastructure consisting of repeaters.
Plug the repeaters into an electrical outlet.
Place the IoT gateway, for example, in your office, connect it with a cable to an Ethernet network, for example to a switch. You can access the gateway from your computers on the same network.
In the local network, you can set temperature limits, e-mail for sending alerts in case of exceeding them, etc. You do not need any other paid service to be notified by e-mail in case of rising temperature. You will also be sent regular daily and weekly reports on measured temperatures.
Scenario 2:
Buildings without internet connection
You need to monitor the temperature in buildings that are remote and do not have an Internet connection.
We offer a GSM solution with an IoT gateway equipped with LTE connectivity. You just choose the operator and buy the selected tariff from him. Insert the SIM card into the gateway.
As in Scenario 1, you plug the repeaters into electricity and place the battery sensors within range of the repeaters or IoT gateway.
Place temperature sensors into the monitored objects, in your utility buildings within the wireless range of the IoT gateway or other supplied wireless infrastructure consisting of repeaters.
Plug the repeaters into an electrical outlet.
Place the IoT gateway within the wireless range of repeaters or sensors directly in the building where you monitor the temperature. You only need to supply the gateway in the same way as repeaters from the mains.
The gateway is factory set to send measured data to the cloud. In the cloud, you can set monitored temperature limits, e-mail for sending warnings in case of exceeding them, etc. The cloud service is provided in the form of an annual subscription.
The price depends on the number of sensors and repeaters in the set. You can also combine Sensor SE03 T SX with other sensor variants - choose a "Customized set".
You can find out the price after entering the goods in the basket on the e-shop.
To obtain an offer for a non-standard set or if you need further information, please contact us.
For a set with an Ethernet gateway, you only pay once for the selected hardware.
We are preparing a set with an LTE gateway for you.
You pay a monthly fee for cloud operation according to the current price list.