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Support for deploying the IQAROS set 
We have prepared detailed instructions for you to easily get your IQAROS set up and running. If you still encounter any problems, we are at your disposal, write to our support email.

We offer a ready-made solution for data visualization in a cloud environment, or you can connect the IQAROS set to any cloud system and access the data online using standard protocols (MQTT, Websocket). More…

Sensor calibration
Do you need repeated sensor calibration? The sensor comes to you calibrated from the factory. Still, if you need to repeatedly check the accuracy of the measurement and issue a certificate, we have a solution for you. Write to us, we can discuss possibilities and decide on the possible choice of a suitable testing laboratory in which we will have your sensors remeasured and calibrated. You will then pay a price for each sensor corresponding to the price of this calibration.

Measuring set extension
Do you need to add additional sensors or repeaters to your existing measuring set? You can easily add the purchased device to the network by following simple instructions, or write to us and we will help you extend your network.

We offer you a consultation before you purchase the IQAROS set. We will advise you on choosing the right kit in terms of set size, sensor type, and device placement. Write to us.

Leasing of an IQAROS measuring set for data acquisition, reports, and alerts
Do you need to measure temperature/humidity in a building and care about nothing? The IQAROS set can also be obtained as a service. Write to us, and together we will find a suitable solution. Our technicians will analyze your environment and design a suitable infrastructure for data transmission depending on the number of measurement points. They will prepare a complete set for acquiring sensor data and install it in your building. Together with you, they will configure the necessary data and you will only receive continuous measurements, alerts in case of exceeding limits, and electronically signed reports.
The price of the service depends on the number of sensors and infrastructure elements. Write to us.

About company

Průmyslová 1275
506 01  Jičín, Czech Rep.


Phone: +420 493 538 125
GPS: 50.4279447N, 15.3696769E


ID: 25 92 16 81
VAT: CZ 25 92 16 81